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Tri-Star Conservative PAC is a political action committee based in Fayette County, Tennessee with a  primary focus to be transformative at the state and local levels. Where we can influence, we will support candidates for local county and school board elections. While our primary focus is local, we recognize the need to be involved with key state races in our General Assembly and support leaders who will hold to our issues and conservative principles.


  • We will identify political candidates who hold conservative principles and support them through the elections.

  • We shall hold our state and local government officials accountable to those principles.

  • We will inform voters about the candidates who will and will not stand for the principles we expect from our elected officials.  


  • Personal sovereignty is paramount. The constitution of the United States and the State of Tennessee is the protection of such sovereignty.

  • God is our Creator and the highest authority in the land. It is through Him that we have inherent rights and personal liberties.​

  • Capitalism is the only economic system that is compatible with liberty and fairness by allowing private control of economic freedom.  Therefore, collectivism has no role in society’s economic growth and freedom of the citizenry.

  • Individual citizens have the responsibility to join with others to protect their inherent rights

  • Taxation should be fair and minimal to carry out the necessary duties of the government for the general welfare of the citizenry.

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