Power is what we give those we elect, though we don't call it that. We elect people to represent us, people who we think (hope) will truly represent what we believe. Once they are elected, it is our duty to make sure they know they represent us.
Sadly, most of them are quickly seduced by money from many different sources. How else do you explain people becoming multi-millionaires on the salaries they receive?
As a result, our elected officials no longer answer to us but to the lobbyists of special interests. To make it even worse, these elected officials work on passing laws making it even harder to vote them out of office. We saw this happen just this year here in Tennessee.
Now is the time to make sure our elected officials know they work for us, not special interests.
Now is the time to find candidates for the 2024 that will remember this simple fact.
Now is the time to help those candidates to be prepared for the election season.
Now is the time to fight. If we don't fight now, we won't have anything to fight for later.
Do not settle for the usual suspects to represent you. Seek out and recruit your candidates to represent you.