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We recently discovered a conservative voter guide at This site endorses conservatives for local, state, and national offices. They also have suggestions for Tennessee's statewide "Retain/Replace" judicial elections. While it is difficult to call "Retain/Replace" a true election, it is constitutional in Tennessee. Election forum has a "judge voter guide" by state and, for Tennessee, recommends replacing activist judges who have a history of making rulings based on their personal, liberal ideas. For example, they recommend replacing Judge Frank Clement, a member of the Tennesseee Court of Appeals, Middle Division. He was appointed by Democratic Governor Phil Bredesen in 2003 and retained since that time. Replacing him with a Republican appointee would be a step foward in ridding Tennessee's judiciary of liberal holdovers.

Although, we have not done our own conservative vetting, may be a good resource for you. Their entire list along with ratings is shown below: ★★★★★ - Best Candidate. Our strongest endorsement.

★★★★ - Very Good.

★★★ - Acceptable.

★★ - Vote only to prevent worse candidate.

★ - Terrible!

Judicial Retention, General Election Supreme Court, At Large Jeffrey S. Bivins ★★★ [Retain] Sarah K. Campbell ★★★★★ [Retain] Holly Kirby ★★★★ [Retain]

Sharon Gail Lee ★★ Replace Roger A. Page ★★★★ [Retain] Court of Appeals, Eastern Division Kristi Davis ★★★★★ [Retain] Thomas R. “Skip” Frierson ★★★ [Retain] John W. McClarty ★ Replace Mike Swiney ★★★★ [Retain] Court of Appeals, Middle Division Andy Bennett ★★ Replace Frank Clement ★ Replace Neal McBrayer ★★★★ [Retain] Court of Appeals, Western Division Kenny W. Armstrong ★★★ [Retain] Arnold B. Goldin ★★★ [Retain]

Carma Dennis McGee ★★★★ [Retain] Steve Stafford ★ Replace Court of Criminal Appeals, Eastern Division Robert H. Montgomery, Jr. ★★★★ [Retain] James C. Witt, Jr. ★★★★ [Retain] Court of Criminal Appeals, Middle Division Jill Bartee Ayers ★★★★ [Retain] Timothy L. Easter ★★★★ [Retain] Robert L. Holloway ★★★ Replace Robert W. Wedemeyer ★★ [Retain] Court of Criminal Appeals, Western Division

John W. Campbell, Sr. ★★★★ [Retain] J. Ross Dyer ★★★★ [Retain] Camille McMullen ★★ Replace John Everett Williams ★★★★ [Retain]

The Fayette County, TN General Elections are approaching. We sent all Commission and School Board candidates who are contested, regardless of political affiliation, a questionnaire. Based on factors including the returned questionnaires, we have decided on who we are endorsing in contested races. In addition, we have also decided on who we are endorsing for Trustee.

Below are the endorsements

County Commissioners

  • Dist 4, Pos 1 Tim Goodroe (R)

  • Dist 5, Pos 1 David Crislip (R)

  • Dist 5, Pos 3 Barry DeWayne Turner (D)

  • Dist 6, Pos 1 Mike Reeves (R)

  • Dist 6, Pos 2 Steve Reeves (R)

  • Dist 8, Pos 1 Robbie Sills (R)

  • Dist 9, Pos 1 Stephen Laskoski (I)

  • Dist 9, Pos 2 George Adrian Wiggins (R)

School Board

  • Dist 2 Jim Vlasaty (R)

  • Dist 3 Warner Speakman (R)

  • Dist 3 unexpired term Tayloe Nickey (Write-In)


  • Charles McNab (R)

Not all candidates returned their questionnaire. However, those that did can be seen here.

Early Voting: July 15- 30 (Somerville Election Office, 45 Dogwood Lane, Somerville, TN)

Election Day: August 4 (Local precincts. Check for locations and times)

Tri-star CPAC would like to wish all Americans a Happy and Patriotic Independence Day Weekend. As a result of brave patriots with a vision to no longer be subjects, but citizens of a nation, 246 years ago, our Nation became Independent from Great Britain.

On June 7, 1776, the Continental Congress met at the Pennsylvania State House (later Independence Hall) in Philadelphia and Richard Henry Lee, the Virginia delegate, introduced a motion calling for the independence of the colonies. Amid heated debate, Congress rescheduled the vote on Lee’s resolution but appointed a five-man committee — including Thomas Jefferson of Virginia, John Adams of Massachusetts, Roger Sherman of Connecticut, Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania, and Robert R. Livingston of New York — to draft a formal statement justifying the defect from Great Britain.

On July 2, 1776, in a virtually unanimous vote, the Continental Congress voted in favor of Lee’s resolution for independence, and on July 4th, it formally adopted the Declaration of Independence, which had been written largely by Jefferson. Ultimately, the drafting of the Declaration of Independence was a contentious process. After much debate over what to include and what to leave out, Thomas Jefferson, tasked with pulling the document together, envisioned a nation where “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness” crystallized the very meaning of being an American. The document proclaimed the 13 American colonies’ liberation from Britain and reaffirmed their rights as free men — declaring that they were no longer subject (and subordinate) to the monarch of Britain, King George III, and were now united, free, and independent states.

John Adams wrote to his wife Abigail that July 2 “will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival” and that the celebration should include “Pomp and Parade…Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other.”

John Adams ended up being off by two days given the signing of the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776.

Be safe and Celebrate!

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